Rosh Chodesh

Rosh Chodesh

 Rosh Chodesh

Everyone is warmly invited to our Women-led Rosh Chodesh!


Not at all! In Talmudic times, women were exonerated from certain work on Rosh Chodesh as a reward for not participating in the creation of the Golden Calf. For at least 2000 years, Jewish women have celebrated the appearance of the new moon (Rosh Chodesh) around the world in a variety of ways. At CSZ we are celebrating the first day of each new Hebrew month with our Women-led Rosh Chodesh Service, designed to deliver a meaningful experience within the warm, intimate minyan community. Women have the opportunity to participate in one of a multitude of roles. There are speaking roles in Hebrew and English, as well as non-speaking roles available. For anyone who would like to learn to lead a part of the service, we have recordings, resources, and assistance available.

Click here to sign up if you would like a speaking or non-speaking part.

We hope you will join us in the Bernstein Chapel on Monday, August 5, 2024 at 7:30 a.m. Everyone (women and men!) is valued whether you are participating in the service, or coming to support one another and celebrate the new month. Special breakfast, coffee, and conversation will be offered following the service.

Ritual Director Saul A. Rube has made recordings of the prayer for us to study.  Click on the links below.

Upcoming Rosh Chodesh Dates:
Rosh Chodesh Av – Monday, August 5, 2024 at 7:30 a.m.
Rosh Chodesh Elul – Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at 7:30 a.m.